Monday, July 19, 2010

Last Quarter of my Mission

Today I am feeling great. Going into this last quarter of my mission I am trying to work the best I can. As time goes on I am learning to work smarter and put the natural man behind me. Its still tough sometimes but that's what makes it worth it. Preach my Gospel, and the spirit of course, have really helped me to understand things clearer than I have ever before.
I listened to the "Way to Be" cd by Gordon B. Hinckley this morning. I really love the way that he teaches. He is very simple but very profound. Thanks for sending it to me. Along with that book, another one I would highly recommend is Drawing on the Powers of Heaven. Its by Grant Von Harrison I believe. I haven't read it, but there are a few missionaries that have it out here and I've heard excerpts and their opinions about the book. Anyways, sounds like a must read.
We had a great baptismal service yesterday. Annabelle and Israel got baptized. They are both really awesome girls. There were a couple things that went wrong behind the scenes as far as getting ready for the baptism and stuff but it went great in the end.
As we teach people it helps me just as much as it helps them. Its really awesome when the spirit is there. We all learn things that might not necessarily have been said with words. We are trying to help this one guy with a marijuana addiction. I've noticed that we might not have the same problems as him, but the principles of the atonement are universal.
“The Spirit is the most important single element in this work. With the Spirit magnifying your call, you can do miracles for the Lord in the mission field. Without the Spirit, you will never succeed regardless of your talent and ability.” --Ezra Taft Benson (PMG, 176)
"Success is failing time after time and not becoming discouraged."
-Sir Winston Churchill
Thanks for the package. I am enjoying everything in it. I even got an offer to trade for that bucking bronc tie that you sent me. Lol. I loved the muddy buddies. Every time Elder Criddle eats some he says, "Mmm, I love this Christmas crunch." Its pretty funny. I like the idea of putting in carmel instead of peanut butter. A little more healthy option for me ;) (Elder Gray is allergic to nuts)
Os amo. Que tenga buen semana y estoy agradecido por el apoyo que me dan. Dios los bendiga.
(I love you. Have a good week and I'm grateful for the support they give me. God bless.)

Con Amor,
Elder Gray

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