Monday, July 26, 2010


So another week has passed by and I'm still lovin it. This last week we rode bikes a lot. A couple days we went 10+ miles a day. Its been fun. We have been able to talk to a lot more people than usual. One of our investigators, Gonzalo, came to church for the second time. He showed up all on his own last week. He will be set with a baptismal date most likely when we meet with him on Wednesday. The two girls got confirmed yesterday. I am so proud and happy for them.
Mom, I believe too that angels are watching over us always. Just yesterday we were riding or bikes home and we heard this wierd scraping sound. We turned around the corner and someone was just getting out of a wrecked car. The front passenger side wheel was completely torn off and that corner of the car was resting on the ground. We looked behind him and there was a ruined chain link fence and a completely demolished mailbox and some damage to the grass in front of the two houses. This mailbox was about 3X3 ft on the base and about 4ft high. It was made of cement and stones so I was a pretty solid thing. We had probably rounded that corner less than thirty seconds after he wrecked. A couple minutes earlier we had stopped for about thirty seconds to see if we saw one of our investigators across the street. I don't know if we would have been in the path of that car or not but nevertheless I am very grateful for the protection we received. He claimed that he was talking on his cell phone, but I wouldn't be surprised if he had some alcohol in his system as well. I know that the Lord watches over us all. I am sure there are many times that we never even know that we were spared from tragedy.
I really like hearing about all that's going on back at home. Thanks for the updates about family, friends, etc... That was interesting about the Cutlers' homecoming. It sounded crazy. Thanks for your testimony about forgiveness Dad. Before my mission I still carried a couple of grudges deep down. I felt justified. But now I know that I wasn't justified at all. No one is ever justified in committing even a little sin. Its been really easy to let it all go once I realized it was wrong. Its still fun living with the other missionaries. We cook a lot of stuff together and I am trying to perfect my no-bake-cookies. They are getting better (thanks Ash for the cookbook). Could you send me the recipe for cake mix cookies? I would really like to make some sometime. Thanks for everything. Good luck in sports/school/student govt/avoiding shark attacks/life in general. Remember to avoid mediocrity and rise above and beyond the rest. Y'all have a good'un cuz I'm sure fixin to, aight ;)
Con Amor,
Elder Gray

Monday, July 19, 2010

Last Quarter of my Mission

Today I am feeling great. Going into this last quarter of my mission I am trying to work the best I can. As time goes on I am learning to work smarter and put the natural man behind me. Its still tough sometimes but that's what makes it worth it. Preach my Gospel, and the spirit of course, have really helped me to understand things clearer than I have ever before.
I listened to the "Way to Be" cd by Gordon B. Hinckley this morning. I really love the way that he teaches. He is very simple but very profound. Thanks for sending it to me. Along with that book, another one I would highly recommend is Drawing on the Powers of Heaven. Its by Grant Von Harrison I believe. I haven't read it, but there are a few missionaries that have it out here and I've heard excerpts and their opinions about the book. Anyways, sounds like a must read.
We had a great baptismal service yesterday. Annabelle and Israel got baptized. They are both really awesome girls. There were a couple things that went wrong behind the scenes as far as getting ready for the baptism and stuff but it went great in the end.
As we teach people it helps me just as much as it helps them. Its really awesome when the spirit is there. We all learn things that might not necessarily have been said with words. We are trying to help this one guy with a marijuana addiction. I've noticed that we might not have the same problems as him, but the principles of the atonement are universal.
“The Spirit is the most important single element in this work. With the Spirit magnifying your call, you can do miracles for the Lord in the mission field. Without the Spirit, you will never succeed regardless of your talent and ability.” --Ezra Taft Benson (PMG, 176)
"Success is failing time after time and not becoming discouraged."
-Sir Winston Churchill
Thanks for the package. I am enjoying everything in it. I even got an offer to trade for that bucking bronc tie that you sent me. Lol. I loved the muddy buddies. Every time Elder Criddle eats some he says, "Mmm, I love this Christmas crunch." Its pretty funny. I like the idea of putting in carmel instead of peanut butter. A little more healthy option for me ;) (Elder Gray is allergic to nuts)
Os amo. Que tenga buen semana y estoy agradecido por el apoyo que me dan. Dios los bendiga.
(I love you. Have a good week and I'm grateful for the support they give me. God bless.)

Con Amor,
Elder Gray

Monday, July 12, 2010


Ojala que todo esté bien. Mi vida aquí es muy divertido. Estamos buscando, predicando y enseñando muchas personas. Mi español continuamente esta mejorando, especialmente en esta área. Casi todo son hispánicos pero mucho hablan ingles también. Me gusta mucho esta área. Mi compañero es (cool). Tenemos cuatro personas con una fecha bautismal. Los dos chicas que hemos enseñado por un tiempo va a bautizarse el próximo Domingo. Teníamos un poquito de lluvia en la semana pasada. Nuestro reunión de la zona fue bien. El presidente nuevo no cambió mucho, pero la obra misional mundial cambiará algunas cosas en las meces siguientes. Hay ocho lecciones que recibiremos para mejorar nuestro habilidad de enseñar. No sé cuando lo recibiremos pero espero que llegan pronto. También, aprendimos como debemos enseñar cuando empezamos lecciones. Aprendí algunas cosas que ya me ayudo. El Jueves leí Eter capitulo 12. No tengo una parte favorita porque todo es asombroso. Se que el Señor nos ayuda con todo. Yo estudiaba mucho de la fe esta semana. Estoy tratando de mejorar mi fe. También, estoy tratando de invitar mas el espíritu en mi estudio. Yo puedo ver una diferencia grande en que aprendo en mis estudios.
Gracias por la paquete. Me gustan las corbatas mucho ;) Y tambien los otros. Tendré divertido con las cosas que recibí. Gracias mucho!
I only have a minute left :) I love you all and am so grateful for your examples. I can feel the power of your prayers. Way to be awesome!
Elder Gray

Now for "google igadget translate"!

I hope all is well. My life here is fun. We are looking for, preaching and teaching many people. My Spanish is improving continually, especially in this area. Almost all are Hispanic but many also speak English. I love this area.
My partner is (cool). We have four people with a baptismal date. The two girls who have taught for a time to be baptized next Sunday. We had a bit of rain last week. Our meeting of the area was good. The new president did not change much, but the global missionary work some things will change. There are eight lessons they receive to improve our ability to teach. I do not know when I receive but I hope they arrive soon. Also, as we learned when we started teaching lessons. I learned some things that helped me. Ether On Thursday I read chapter 12. I have no favorite part because everything is amazing. I know the Lord helps us with everything. I studied a lot of faith this week. I'm trying to improve my faith. Also, I'm trying to invite the spirit is in my study. I can see a big difference in that I learn in my studies.

Thanks for the package. I like ties much;) And also the others. I have fun with the things I received. Thanks a lot!

I Only Have a minute left:) I love you all and am so Grateful for your examples. I can feel the power of your Prayers. Way to be awesome!

Elder Gray

Monday, July 5, 2010

New Mission President

So it has been another great week down here in San Antonio. President Cutler left and President Jones has started his term (or whatever you call it). We have zone conference tomorrow so we will soon see what he is all about. The zone leaders had zone leader counsel with him last week and said that he is awesome. I'm excited for tomorrow. This new area is a little lower income on average so we get a lot of investigators coming and going. Elder Swainston is a hard worker. He knows what he's doing, he loves talking to people, and he still has that new missionary excitement. He is awesome. He played on the line in football at his high school and is about 6 foot or maybe 6' 1". By the way I'm still 5' 10.5" and I'm pretty sure that's not gonna go up. The two younger girls that I talked about last week still have a baptismal date. Their names are Anabell and Israel and they are going to be baptized on the 18th. We also have another lady that will get baptized soon. We are having a problem with boundaries though so I won't get too much into that. I'll let you know when things are worked out and we know whats going on.
I'm excited to go fishing at that lake in town when I get back. I bet there are gonna be some huge catfish soon. Those things can survive through anything. That's really good that Erik is going to EFY. That really fortified me through high school. It really helped me realize how much I needed to stay on the straight and narrow path. I am really grateful that we live in this free country. It is a blessing, like you said, to be able to have our religious freedoms. I'm sorry that this email is short. I love you all and hope for the best. Keep on keepin' on.
Elder Gray