Monday, April 6, 2009

"Remember, you are never too far gone"

Hey everyone,
Thanks for the package. I haven't actually got it yet but I'm
sure its
awesome :) Long story short, I got a slip in the
mailbox saying there is a
package waiting for me but they
couldn't find it. I will try again

But anyways things are going good here. James and Lauren
progressing so we might have to drop them. Alisha is
doing really good.
I don't know if I explained about her in a
previous letter but she is
doing awesome. She is still keeping
all of her commitments. She is
really nice and she is 100%
truthful. When she has a question she
doesn't beat around
the bush. Not too many people are like that.

I am adjusting well to the field. I love sharing the gospel
with so many
people. And when someone questions our
testimonies when we are out
tracting it seems like
something always happens in studies later on to
my testimony about that particular thing.

We had zone conference on Friday. I loved it. The whole
thing was
centered around the atonement. President Cutler
gave everyone in the
mission a packet with a bunch of talks
and chapters of scripture about
the atonement a couple
weeks ago. Zone conference along with this packet
strengthened my testimony about the atonement so much.

Conference was really good! I really liked every talk.
Especially Elder
Holland's. I always loved watching past
talks from him at the MTC. His
testimony of the Atonement
is so strong (as are all the brethren). For
anyone reading
this letter, remember, you are never too far gone. I
Elder Holland said something about how even though you
might feel
alone sometimes you never are. Jesus will always
be there for you. All
these studies about the atonement
lately and zone and general conference
have been so
wonderful for me. Also I liked all of Elder Uchtdorf's
but especially the one in thepriesthood session. We truly
need to
focus on the most important things in life. It
seems like he always has
some story that is easy to
remember and is a really good life lesson. I
also liked
the couple talks about temples. I think it was Sunday

afternoon. I just wish we could go more out here on the
mission. Was
conference always this good?

Here's a couple things I think ya'll might find interesting.
If not,
skip this section ;) I am getting into the low 170's
as far as my
weight goes. That's about 10 lbs gained so
far on my mission. We play
basketball six days a week at
6:15 in the morning. We did not win clean
car award at
zone conference (it was still really shiny and clean). I
finally got my bag with all my books in it so now I can
study more than
just my scriptures and the Gospel
Principles manual. I like cheese on
most of the things
I cook. I tried a banana and liked it.

Thanks for all the letters. I love hearing from everyone.
Even the
little random facts are fun to know just cuz
all I hear from home.
I am proud of you all. Keep
working hard in all you do and it will pay
off, maybe not
right now but you will see the fruits of your labors in
Also remember when you are feeling down, stop to think
about all
Heavenly Father has blessed us with. I love
looking at the stars in the
sky or a sunset and being
grateful that God blessed us with something
like that.
Ha that sounded kinda cheesy, looking at that last sentence
I just wrote, but its really something I would recommend
trying. Stay
Close to the Lord.

-Elder Gray

P.S. I am sending a letter with pictures today. I promise.
Also do you
think you could get me Austin Pickett's home

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